Baby Derma
Naturally soothing for hyper-sensitive skin.
As far back as ancient times, white mallow was highly regarded as a medicinal plant. Unlike many other plants, it feels warm and soft to the touch. It radiates softness and sensitivity, whch is why it is well suited to skin that is sensitive or affected by neurodermatitis, an allergic skin disease chracterised by dry, red itchy skin. From an anthroposophical view, white mallow has an holistic effect on the nerve-sense system of the skin (epidermis). Its anti-irritant properties help calm and protect hypersensitive skin, relieving itching and promoting healthy skin development. The polysaccharides in its roots are particularly effective and combined with water, form an organic gel which provides moisture, alleviates irritation and envelopes the skin in a soothing cocoon.
If you'd like futher information, call Weleda on 0115 9448200 or email