Homeopathic Medicine
Here at our head office in Derbyshire we also manufacture Homeopathic remedies. Developed by Dr Samuel Hahnemann in the 18th century, homeopathy also follows a holistic approach to good health stimulating the body's natural ability to cure itself. Its guiding principle is to choose a remedy that would produce similar symptoms to those you wish to treat, i.e, 'like cures like'. Each remedy is created by a series of dilution and shaking processes to produce a minimum 'potentised' dose.
If you would like further advice, please contact Weleda on 0115 9448200 or email sales@weleda.co.uk Please note: If in any doubt about your condition or if the condition persists then consult a doctor or qualified healthcare practitioner.
Mixed Pollen 30C Tablets£8.95
Aconite 30C Tablets£8.50
Apis Mel. 30C£8.50
Argent Nit. 30C£8.50
Arnica 30C Tablets£8.50
Arsen Alb. 30C£8.50
Belladonna 30C Tablets£8.50
Bryonia 30C Tablets£8.50
Calc. Carb. 30C£8.50
Calc. Fluor. 30C£8.50
Cantharis 30C Tablets£8.50
Carbo Veg. 30C£8.50
Chamomilla 30C Tablets£8.50
Cocculus 30C Tablets£8.50
Euphrasia 30C Tablets£8.50
Gelsemium 30C Tablets£8.50
Graphites 30C Tablets£8.50
Hepar Sulf. 30C£8.50
Hypericum 30C Tablets£8.50
Ignatia 30C Tablets£8.50
Kali. Phos. 30C£8.50
Lycopodium 30C Tablets£8.50
Nat. Mur. 30C£8.50
Nux Vom. 30C£8.50
Phosphorus 30C Tablets£8.50
Pulsatilla 30C Tablets£8.50
Rhus Tox. 30C£8.50
Ruta Grav. 30C£8.50
Silica 30C Tablets£8.50
Sulfur 30C Tablets£8.50
Thuja 30C Tablets£8.50
The Home Prescriber Guide£9.95